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Privacy Statement

At StemWijzer, we take privacy and the right to vote very seriously. Any information you provide is used and processed securely, and anonymously where possible. Personal data is processed in accordance with the applicable Data Protection legislation. This privacy statement explains what we do with your information when you use StemWijzer.

Who runs StemWijzer?

StemWijzer is an online voting assistance tool run by the ProDemos House for Democracy and Rule of Law (‘ProDemos’). It offers a means of obtaining information on the opinions held by the various political parties in the Netherlands, to find out which party is most closely aligned with your views.

ProDemos – House for Democracy and the Rule of Law is responsible for the processing of personal data as described in this document.

Hofweg 1 H
2511 AA The Hague
Telephone: +31 (0)70 757 02 00
E-mail: privacy@prodemos.nl

What technical data is collected?

ProDemos stores some technical and other data in log files to allow the StemWijzer server to function properly, namely:

  • the fact that you have launched StemWijzer;
  • the type of hardware you are using;
  • your operating system;
  • your internet browser; and
  • what time you started using StemWijzer.

Once StemWijzer is launched, it is downloaded locally to your own device (i.e. your computer, tablet or telephone). Your responses to the StemWijzer questions and statements (and your results) are recorded and stored exclusively on your own device. This information is not sent to ProDemos (or its servers), or made available to ProDemos in any other way.

If you choose to have parts of StemWijzer read aloud, two (2) functional cookies will be stored on your computer temporarily. A connection with external servers will also be established. No personal data is used or collected for these processes.

What analytical data is collected?

We also use log files to gather information on how StemWijzer is used. These files are on our own servers in the Netherlands, and analytic data is collected anonymously. We do not use IP addresses or cookies.

We use the log files to collect the following information:

  • the fact that StemWijzer was launched; and
  • that StemWijzer was completed.

What data is collected if you give your consent?

After entering your responses in StemWijzer, you will be asked whether you agree to your answers and results being shared anonymously (i.e. without your IP address or other technical information) for research and publication purposes. If you agree, your responses and prioritised issues will be sent to the ProDemos server. You do not have to agree to the above, and you can still view your StemWijzer results even if you do not give your consent.

If you give your consent, your IP address (as a pseudonym) and the time of use will also be sent to the ProDemos server for data-security purposes. This data will be stored for a maximum of 24 hours.

Why is the data collected?

The StemWijzer data that ProDemos collects from you is used:

  • to make StemWijzer secure;
  • to enable you to use StemWijzer;
  • to gain a static impression of the general use of StemWijzer;
  • to compare your (anonymised) responses with those of other users, subject to consent from both parties;
  • to include your (anonymised) responses in research and publications, subject to your consent;
  • to enable ProDemos to supply it to third parties if required to do so by law.

How long is the data stored for?

  • Technical details are stored for thirty (30) days.
  • The raw analytical data is stored for sixteen (16) months.
  • Anonymous responses collected for research and publication purposes (subject to your consent) will be stored for fifteen (15) years.
  • Anonymous responses collected for comparison purposes with other users (subject to your consent) will be stored for a period of thirty (30) days after the election.
  • If you have agreed to it: your IP address (as a pseudonym) and time of use will be stored for twenty-four (24) hours.

What do we do with the data collected via StemWijzer?

As described above, we treat your data confidentially. We do not supply the data collected via our website to third parties, except to those responsible for the technical operation of the site, with whom we have made strict agreements. Nor will we provide your data to anyone else, unless you have given your permission or we are required to do so by law.

How is the data secured?

ProDemos has taken appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect the data it processes from loss or improper use. To ensure this, ProDemos stores data that can be traced back to you temporarily, and in a highly secure form. Also, ProDemos will store your responses only if you have given your express permission for us to do so. ProDemos ensures that only authorised persons are given access to your data, and that this access is protected.

What are my rights?

You have various rights under privacy legislation. You may withdraw your consent at any time, for example, as well as ask to see what data ProDemos has stored about you at any time. Requests to withdraw consent or to view your data can be sent to stemwijzer@prodemos.nl. ProDemos aims to respond to data-viewing requests within four (4) weeks. Because ProDemos does not have access to your name or any other data that can identify you, we may ask for additional information to verify your identity before being able to grant your request, such as your IP address or time of use. It is also possible that ProDemos no longer has access to any data that can be traced back to you, due to the temporary storage or anonymisation of the data.

If you wish to modify the personal information presented to you in response to your request, you may ask ProDemos to do so by e-mailing privacy@prodemos.nl. You may ask ProDemos to modify, improve, supplement, delete, transfer or protect your data. ProDemos will respond to your request within four (4) weeks. If ProDemos declines your request, the reason for doing so will be given in its response.

Can this privacy statement be altered?

Yes, this privacy statement is subject to change. Any changes will be listed on the StemWijzer website (https://stemwijzer.nl). We therefore recommend checking this privacy statement regularly, to remain up-to-date on any changes.

Complaints about data processing

Of course we are willing to help if you have a complaint about the way your information is handled. Under privacy legislation, you are entitled to submit a complaint to the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Dutch DPA) regarding our data processing policy. To do so, please contact the Authority directly.


If you have any questions regarding this privacy statement, please contact us either by e-mail via  privacy@prodemos.nl , or by telephone on +31 (0)70-7570200.

Last updated: October 2023

ProDemos is the ‘House for Democracy and the Rule of Law’. We provide information and education on the workings of democracy and the rule of law, and show people what they themselves can do to exercise influence at various levels: through their municipal council, district water board, provincial council, country, or in the European Union.

StemWijzer ® 2024. All rights reserved.